Friday, April 22, 2011


No, I don't have a stuttering problem... the title just stems from a Shirley Method (you know, that horrible thing from English class in the third grade) jingle.  It was singing about a prepositional phrase, but I will use it on this Good Friday to talk about preparation.

This past week, several friends and myself have talked about a strange phenomena that happens on Good Friday and Easter. Have you ever noticed that it always seems to be really ominous on that Friday and really sunny on Easter? Looking back, I cannot think of a rainy Easter or a pretty Good Friday.  In no way do I think this is a coincedence, just divine intervention if you will.

Britney asked me last night if I really felt like I had prepared myself for this Easter weekend. Was my heart in the right place for to completely focus on God, His glory, and His grace? 

The answer? No.

I mean, the choir, my parents, and myself sang a super worshipful song that I felt with every fiber in my body last Sunday about how He gave His life for mine, and I felt that was part preparation... maybe. But, I had not given full thought to the true meaning of this weekend. Sadly, I feel as if this happens around every Christian holiday, which I think many of us are guilty of.  So in efforts, this morning I decided to do what any modern-age Christian would do, look up Jesus music on YouTube as I drove to work. (Wait, that sounds dangerous!) I first listened to The Perry's, "If You Knew Him" which Dad and his quartet will be singing this Sunday (yay). Bad idea. Crying commenced; makeup ruined. Next up, Gungor's, "Beautiful Things." Totally different from the first song selection, but equally as worshipful. Then I ended with a little Florence and Wayne, you know, for balance. 

Now, do I feel like this is all I need to do for preparation? Absolutely not, but I do feel like this is a start. I do know that I am 100% excited about being in His house this weekend and feeling Him in all His glory (while wearing a cute, new dress :)).

I hope you are able to remember and dwell on His awesomeness this beautiful holiday. And if you have any ways you prepare, I'd love to hear.

Site note: Today is also Earth Day (who knew). This also means that Starbucks will give free coffee to anyone who brings in a travel mug. So like any eco-friendly, cheap, American citizen, I joined in! Gotta do my part! Of course, I like to think they are really passing out the joe in remembrance of Christ, but... I just made that corny.

Does any, one person need this many drinks at their desk?!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

double talk

Confession: I had to do a little Googling before I really knew the correct term for what I was trying to say.  Maybe it's because I'm so mad I can hardly see straight. The latest fad to be sweeping across the nation seems to be someone saying one thing and then meaning/doing another... and it's a load of crap.

I just received a message from a friend who was 100% hurt (and many other things, but they aren't Internet appropriate).  Long story short, she was completely led on and lied to by her ex of a serious, long-term relationship.  Why couldn't he just tell her the truth? Why couldn't he just be a man and do the right thing? Beats the heck out of me!!

This also happened to me recently.  My case wasn't as severe as the previous example, but it still hurt. A lot. It's sad how hurtful some people can be and it not affect them in the least. Is this pure evil that they possess? Do they just not have a heart? Or, in my case, did he just not care about me in the first place?

Answers to these questions we may never have. And honestly, I don't know if I want 'em. The only peace I got out of the situation was knowing that He was looking out for me. He knew I didn't need to be in my situation any more and knew I wasn't strong enough to get out of it.

So to my beautiful, smart, hilarious, wonderful, to-good-for-him friend, I love you and I'm here for you forever and always. And always available to kick his... tail!


P.S. I still don't know if double talk is the right word(s)...